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Little Disciples

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We are the Full Gospel Church of Houston's Children Ministry from Kinder to 5th grade. We as Little Disciples, emphasize the importance of knowing and encountering God in the early age of life. That being the goal, we disciple and teach our children with biblical principles and teachings from the Bible to seek spiritual growth in our children from a young age. We show a genuine love of Christ to our community and would gladly welcome you to be a part of us to share the love furthermore.


유초등부 디렉터

Megan 간사


Children's Ministry Vision 

The Vision of Childern MInistry in Full Gospel Church of Houston is to see our children grow up in the promise of Romans 12:2. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” 


Core Values 

Teaching from a Covenental Perspective, Centered on the Gospel.

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and the message of God’s promise to all people. We will educate and teach children biblical stories and truth. But, above all, the message of gospel that we need Savior Jesus Christ and only through him we have forgiveness of sin and invitation into God’s family. 


Supporting Families in the Spiritual Training of Children

God has given parents a mission to be examples and deliever God’s teaching to the next next generation. We will partner with parents, equipping them to live lives of faith before the children and encourage them to pursue God’s heart as we educate them together. 


Building a Healthy Church Body

We know that God commands us to love him and our neighbor with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength. We strive to interact with God in love and respect as well as the church body. With a goal and purpose of becoming a church body that God is pleased with, we encourage and desire to forgive and love others as Christ loved us. 


Encouraging Missional Outreach Locally and Globally 

In Revelations, all nations, tribes and tongues confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord. We believe in all nations, generations and languages to worship God on that day. We desire to develop a mission mindest in children with the goal of raising up a generation that sees the need and devote themselves both locally and globally through prayer, fianncial support and personal commitment of action.

Little Disciples Meeting Times 

Sunday Worship : 10:30AM - 12PM 
Friday Bible Study: 8:00PM - 9PM



TEL. 832.925.9065


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